Candice 5th June 2014

There is not one day that i dont miss u and your sweet love that u gave us there is not a minute that passes that i miss your beautiful smile and laugh there is not one second that passes that i dont cherish everything u were and that we shared together my mommy my best friend my love my life my teacher sometimes life seems so foggy and i dont care to move on here but u were my strenghth my rock i leaned heavely on so without you everything falls on my shoulders and i wouldve never believed that i can be so strong without you but the the way you handled your business is me the way you carried yourself is me the way you held your head up so high is me the way you were so honorous is me i am u and u are me ill continue to give my kids what u gave me honor and respect ill always love you and cherish u ill always respect you i know u keeps me whole i always remember how beautiful u were in and out thank you soooo much for always being there. Candice